By The Banana Peddler

When Kibaki heisted elections in 2007, Kikuyus and Kalenjins were the greatest of enemies. During that time I was in Langas, Eldoret the town where I was born and bred. At that time, Kalenjins warriors exterminated Kikuyus and Mungikis slew Kalenjins in retaliation though in minimal quantities.

I remember one night a church in Kiambaa was burnt with Kikuyus inside – including the handicapped who earned a living through mendicancy. When we visited the following morning, the situation was heartrending. I saw roasted cadavers of human beings and the situation was unexplainably pathetic.

The people who bore the brunt of election pilfering were Kikuyus, sending them to heisting for economic mainstay. A lot of property was destroyed. Houses were blazed down by conflagrations lit by Kalenjin warriors. Granaries full of maize sacks were torched. Herds of cattle were slashed to death and others seriously wounded.

Kalenjins and Kikuyus never looked each other in the eye. According to Kikuyus, William Ruto orchestrated the killings and to them, he was a devil that belonged in hellfire. So far, Kikuyus who lost their property have not yet recovered notwithstanding insinuations that they integrated.

Forget about these mister-know-it-all crooks that make noise here in social media claiming Kalenjins and Kikuyus are best of friends yet they are not in reality. Most of these social media celebrities were born and brought up in Central then sought refuge in Nairobi due to resourcelessness in Central. They only pretend to know everything yet majority of them have never made it past Limuru.

If you go down the ground, the victims, the victimless, and the bystanders who saw how it all happened, will tell you that the love is between Uhuru and Ruto. How do you expect thousands of people whose properties worth millions were razed and sent to refugee camps, to accept and move on just like that?
Long story short, the love between Kikuyu and Kalenjin will be tested after the 2017 elections.

Nonetheless, going by what my Mt. Kenya comrades tell me, I doubt if the Kikuyu community will keep their word and back Ruto. They went against the 2002 agreement with Raila, they repeated the same with Kalonzo, and now it is Ruto. Raila was deceived and he took it as a man. Kalonzo was equally hoodwinked and went lackadaisical. But, WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THE SAME HAPPENS TO WILLIAM SAMOEI ARAP RUTO? Will he and his Kalenjin warriors take it seated down? – Banana Peddler.

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