I am a little disappointed that the Kenyan groups most vocal in throwing sarcasm at US calls for transparency in Kenya are the same groups that have benefited most from the rather porous and generous immigration laws of the US.

No other group has filed as many sham marriages and as many false refugee claims as people from Central. The number of illegal immigrants in the US from Central Province exceeds that of all other Kenyan tribes combined. Yet these are the same people that are currently most vocal in rebuffing calls for transparent governance and accountability. What is ironic is that increased transparency would boost domestic productivity and cut the need for the large number of Kenyans that are leaving the country to seek "greener pastures" in foreign countries.

I am inclined to think that it is the messenger they have a problem with, rather than the message itself. Can Antihubris, Jackal or Vooke tell me that this is false?

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