Kenyans will have to contend with interrupted traffic, especially in Nairobi City, for three days after US President, Barrack Obama, confirmed that he may be in the country for three consecutive days.

A statement from White House confirmed that Obama will be in Kenya for three days to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit scheduled to begin on 24th of July, through to 26th, at the UN headquarters in Gigiri.

Earlier reports had indicated that the US President will only be in Kenya for just 8 hours during which business in Nairobi will come to a standstill.

State House Spokesman, Manoah Esipisu, had warned Nairobians to prepare for the worst during the 8 hours Obama was meant to be in the country as many city roads would be closed for security reasons to ensure the most guarded man in the world is secure even in Kenya.

However, news that the US President will spend the whole 3 days in Kenya has not been received well by many motorists in Nairobi because they will be forced to contend with the traffic madness not only for 8 hours, which to them was too much as earlier reports indicated, but for 3 days.

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