Former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, has warned President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to prepare to leave State House by 2017, because a Tsunami is coming to sweep them from power by force.

Speaking at an interview when he paid a courtesy call to Mulembe FM and Vuuka FM, Raila said he will do whatever it takes to ascend to the Presidency in 2017 and no one will stop him.

He said he will not entertain the Supreme Court nonsense anymore because the Judiciary had become an annex of the Executive.

At the same time, the CORD leader raised a red flag saying Uhuru/ Ruto have began training Mungiki to kill his supporters when he beats them in 2017 but warned that they will be met by the ‘bull hammer’.

“As we all know, Uhuru Kenyatta did not surpass the 50%+1 vote but he connived with the Supreme Court judges to heist my victory but I kept quiet. Now they have started training Mungiki so that they can kill our supporters if we beat them. I promise you that we will deal with any situation out rightly,” said Mr. Odinga.

And when a caller asked Raila to explain how he intends to achieve his objective, Raila said he has a secret strategy that will never fail, but refused to disclose it.

“I don’t want to disclose my secret weapon now because the enemy might come up with ways to outmatch me. It is better if I leave it at that for the time being,” he said.

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