A KTN journalist, who had gone to cover a robbery incident at Neno Evangelism Pastor, James Maina Nganga’s home in Karen on Friday is nursing serious injuries after he was attacked by a machete wielding man believed to be the Pastor’s herd’s boy.

The journalist was among many others who were chased away like dogs by youth armed with machetes.

The reporters had gone to the preacher’s home following reports that robbers had stolen an unspecified amount of money believed to be more than Sh500, 000.

The robbery which detectives say was stage managed happened at around 3.30 am where thugs gained entry into the house by cutting window grills.

The youths accused journalists of tarnishing the name of their employer by calling him a fake pastor.

“Pastor Nganga is a man of God and anyone seen tarnishing his name will be dealt with ruthlessly,” one youth roared.

Journalists were forced to seek assistance from police who guarded them outside Nganga’s home.

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