As the war on terror intensifies with the Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, launching impromptu operations to weed out extremist elements within is, it has now emerged that the Somalia-based militants have changed tact on their recruitment of new jihadists.

Speaking yesterday, Mombasa County Police Commander, Robert Kitur, revealed that the Al Shabaab have abandoned recruiting young Kenyans to join their cause through social media saying the militants were now visiting students in high schools and preaching to them before enlisting them in the terror group.

Kitur noted that they have information that the militants visit secondary schools to indoctrinate young boys and girls into religious extremism and radicalisation and in the process recruit them into their terror networks.

“We have information that the militants are now visiting schools and preaching to students about religious extremism and radicalization but we have a plan of how to counter them,” said Kitur.

The Mombasa police boss revealed that the Government has already deployed police officers to guard all secondary schools in Mombasa as a counter measure to stop Al Shabaab from radicalizing students.

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