Chairman of the Luo Land National Dialogue, Odoyo Owidi, has accused former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, of enslaving members of the Luo community by forcing them to oppose everything that the Jubilee Government does.

In an article published by one of the local dailies, Owidi said Raila’s biggest enemies are his ODM sycophants, who lie to him that he can win an election by relying on Luo votes only.

“ODM has become a private club of friends and relatives masquerading as a political party just to keep a community hoping for the ultimate prize - the Presidency,” Owidi wrote.

Owidi also took issue with the ongoing voter registration in Luo Nyanza saying it is myopic and will not help “Baba” win the Presidency.

“Why would a serious party use a strategy that had been previously used by their opponent? Why is this ODM strategy of ‘register for IDs, get voters cards and elect Baba’ only hyped in Luo Nyanza, a community with a possible maximum of three million votes out of a possible maximum of 22 million votes countrywide? Why would a party want to win an election still want to exclude potential voters?” Owidi posed.

Owidi concluded by asking Raila and his sycophants to stop labeling anybody working with the Jubilee Government a mole saying all citizens are entitled to work with Uhuru and Ruto.

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