Even after the conclusion of a three day visit to Kenya by US President Barrack Obama over 2 weeks ago, memories of what transpired during his stay are still fresh in minds of many Kenyans, who are just too difficult to forget some things, especially those that involved our very own President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto.

Obama’s visit did not only overshadow Uhuru and Ruto but also reduced them to nothing literally, especially when he was present because all the focus was on him and no one else.

However, it was not Obama alone who rendered our President and his Deputy useless in our very own country, his half sister, Dr. Auma, who stole the show at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) when Obama landed by being the first Kenyan to ride in The Beast, also humiliated Uhuru and Ruto at Kasarani where the US President addressed the nation.

Auma, who was selected to present and introduce Obama at the Kasarani Gymnasium, said many things about her brother and their relationship, but failed to recognize Uhuru and Ruto, who were seated on  her right side in the front row, before she invited Obama to speak, as protocol dictates.

Under normal circumstances, Auma would have recognized the presence of our President and his Deputy and other dignitaries before introducing the US President to the stage.

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