A section of Wiper Democratic Movement MPs have accused Machakos Governor, Dr Alfred Mutua, of trying to divide the Kamba community ahead of the 2017 general Elections.

Speaking on Monday, Yatta MP, Francis Mwangangi, and his Kathiani counterpart, Robert Mbui, criticised Mutua saying he is being used by Jubilee Alliance to divide the Kamba community who are always united in every General Election.

Mwangangi said Mutua and a number of Machakos County MPs should respect those who are older than them and learn some leadership tips from them instead of using their positions to dislodge them.

“I was not elected on a Wiper Party ticket but I have a reason to defend Kalonzo since he’s the community’s elder and time to replace him is not yet ripe,” Mwangangi said.

On his part, Mbui said Mutua is being funded by the Jubilee Government to destabilize Ukambani the way they have destabilised Western Kenya.

“How can the people of Machakos elect a Governor and later start turning against the community’s leader. This is ridiculous and the Governor should learn from history about those who have tried such a mission,” Mbui said.

The MP begged Mutua to ask for forgiveness from Kalonzo if he wants to be re-elected in 2017.

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