The backlash against the unethical behaviour by police officers, who took and circulated n*d* photos of Kirinyaga students who had s*x and smoked bh@ng in a Nairobi-bound bus, is far from over.

A child rights’ agency petitioned Inspector General of Police, Joseph Boinnet, to publicly name and shame all police officers who took the n*d* photos of students and circulated them on social media.

The Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) took issue with one particular photo of female student who was str!pp*d n@k*d and had her private parts exposed to the pubic level after she was discovered hiding drugs in her pants.

Speaking yesterday, KAACR Director, Tim Ekesa, told Boinnet to take serious disciplinary action against the officers responsible for circulating the n*d* photos of the minors, saying such action is uncouth and uncultured.

“As much as children erred in conducting themselves in unbecoming behavior, they did not deserve the kind of mistreatment we have seen in the print, electronic and social media,” said Ekesa.

“Circulating n()d£ photos of a minor, more so a girl not only makes children and the police who alerted the police lose faith in the already low-keyed Kenyan police, but also literally kills the future of a child and other children who look up to them for prosecution,” he added.

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