Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has warned President Uhuru Kenyatta against using President Barrack Obama’s meeting with the Opposition to divert Kenyans’ attention from important matters.

Speaking at a rally in Ahindi on Friday, Raila, who was accompanied by several CORD MPs, cautioned the Government against using Obama’s meeting with the Opposition to divert the attention of Kenyans from issues affecting the nation.

“Our meeting with Obama was private. President Kenyatta should not lie to the nation. Obama told the Government to fight corruption and promote national unity. These are the issues the President should be telling Kenyans how he is handling them,” Raila said.

“We told Obama to help reform the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) by establishing a reputable ICT platform so that future elections are not stolen. We also told him to assist Kenya achieve the one third gender rule because the Jubilee Government is not ready to implement it. This is not betrayal,” Raila added.

Raila’s sentiments were echoed by Siaya Senator, James Orengo, who wondered whether Uhuru was eavesdropping on their meeting.

“Obama, in all his speeches, was rebuking the Government. When we met Obama, we were just comparing notes,” said Orengo.

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