A shocking new revelation has emerged on the deplorable conditions Kenyan workers are subjected to while in Saudi Arabia. The latest revelation, in what has become a constant headline maker about the poor conditions of Kenyans in the Middle East, features a group of women who have been locked up in Tarhill, a detention centre in Saudi Arabia.

The revelation was brought to light by US based Kenyan rapper Nelson Muriuki. He also brought to light and started a petition to save Martha Nyaguthii, a Kenyan lady in a coma at a hospital in the Middle Eastern country.

According to Nelson, he received a video call on Sunday afternoon from a group of women who have only one wish: to come back home.

He posted on Facebook, I received an anonymous video call on FB an hour ago and what I saw scared the hell out of my blood system!! 160 Kenyan women locked in a detention center, desperate and helpless. All of them have one golden wish “To go back Home.” The living conditions inside the Tarlhill is a violation of every form of human right!

Here is a summary of what I saw with my 2 eyes:

1: Overcrowded rooms with women lying on cold floors or upto 3 people sharing one bed or sleeping in shifts!
2: Hygiene: This is the biggest disaster!! The women receive no sanitary pads or proper hygiene articles. Many are lying there sick especially with Diarrhea and other diseases. I quote “all we get here ni PANADOL tu!!”. They complained of dirty toilettes which are a major source of all these ailments.
3: Heat: I understand it’s extremely hot and imagine these overcrowded rooms with no AC?! Many could be seen sweating and some are experiencing BREATHING PROBLEMS.
4: Depression: I saw women who have lost it or as we say in swahili “Wana wendazimu”.

Below is the video

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