The battle between socialites Huddah Monroe and Vera Sidika is far from over, just the other day, Vera publicly attacked Huddah after the latter accused her of copying her when she gifted herself with a Range Rover 2015 on her birthday.

What many of us don’t know is that after such publicity stunts, Vera always begs for forgiveness from Huddah, only to attack her again the following week.

It seems Huddah is getting tired of apologies after attacks, so she took to social media to expose the Real Vera Sidika.

This is what she posted.

It’s been soooo long , this bitch Vera has Always been attacking me . For so many years now . I don’t respond coz I try to be bigger person . I have nothing against this bitch coz she doesn’t intimidate me one single bit , she has nothing that can really get me so hurt to ever attack her on social media and It really pains me to see people taking sides when they don’t really know what’s going on . This apologies make me mad as fuck when I see a bitch apologize today and attack me the next week . WHAT I HAVE EVER DONE TO THIS WOMAN ? I would’ve exposed so many things about this bitch. But I don’t coz that’s not who I am . Honestly I am really tired of this bitch attacking me all the time and coming back to apologize on the side!!!!! Stop this OBSESSION!!! Let me be in peace , I hate two faced bitches…….. #MoreComing

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