Police at the Coast, especially in Kilifi County, have been put on high alert following a threat by Mombasa Republican Council (MRC) to raid police stations and steal guns.

Last week, police foiled an attempt by MRC members to raid a police post in Matsangoni, where they fired in the air to disperse members of the illegal group as they tried to gain entry into the station.

According to intelligence reports, MRC plans to raid police stations at the Coast to steal guns and weapons which they intend to use in terrorizing people in the Coastal towns.

Speaking yesterday, Kilifi County Police Commander, Douglas Kanja, confirmed this saying that the group was planning something stupid.

He asked police to be on high alert to avert any attempt by MRC to storm police stations and make away with guns.

“We have reliable information that MRC are planning to raid some of the police stations in the county to steal guns and injure officers. The Intel is credible and we will not take any chances,” said Kanja.

The county police boss urged locals to corporate with the police by providing information that will help them in dealing with MRC before they commit crimes.

The move comes even as the Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, is still grappling with the Al Shabaab menace and one can only hope that God will intervene and help before something bad happens at the coast.

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