Robert Alai has never been shy when it comes to controversy and today he had a clash with an unlikely person, Joji Baro.

This is after Alai posted this:

Hi Robert, I need your help. There's this gay called Joji Baro, who has in about 3 years, trying all he/she can to persuade me to be his/her man. I myself loath gays, I hate them with all my heart and I have warned him several times that I am not gay and that he should leave me alone. Despite all these, he has never given up. At one point, I threatened him and he responded that he was one great gay right activist and that there's nothing I would do. I was forced to go report him at KICC police station at one point late last year, I still have the OB. I never followed the case but unfortunately, he keeps on haunting me, yesterday I got a "please call me thank u "from a strange number, calling the number, it was that devil again. I have never known how he got my number, that's still a mystery to me. Please, I know you can do something, maybe exposing him, but please hide my identity.

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