Hard talk!
By Wekullo Kuchio

As ODM must wake up from our stupidity or else we can just as well as go ahead and patent our seats in the opposition.
Two by-elections are around the corner; Kajiado and Homa-Bay.

Look at the way both coalitions are handling their campaigns running up to the by-elections. Yesterday URP pulled out their candidate from Kajiado to support TNA. These are two different political parties agreeing amicably.

In Homabay, even though the other CORD coalition partners (Ford and Whipper) have pulled out their candidates in support of ODM, my good party just can’t hold together its people.

What is it? FYI, all the 6 candidates standing are all in agreement that Raila is their leader at national level, no doubt about that. But just what is this bug biting us in our party that we just can’t hold ourselves together?

I wish I could lock up the ODM thinktanks in one room without food and water and demand that they do not leave that room without good answers.

The presidency has slipped away from Raila thrice (1997 he was beaten clean-fact, 2007 he won clean-fact…we all know what happened in 2013).

It hurts me so much as a Raila die-hard supporter to see people in ODM squabbling and arguing at the expense of my leader who I believe should be in statehouse right now. We can’t afford disunity anymore at whatever cost.

We need to hold together right now tighter than ever before for the sake of Agwambo. Kidero needs to play his politics in a way that is palatable to the party not to our political enemies, Jubilee.

Being governor is different from being a high school head student sir. I can’t even imagine a Jubilee MP both from URP and TNA (including Ruto himself) who can dare even think about going against what Uhuru says. When Uhuru sneezes, they all catch a cold and shiver.

Here in our party, Raila says it’s Kajwang, and Kidero says… “as much as I want Raila to be president, I support Philip Okundi.” What if a Jubillee guy stood against the divided ODM voters and went through in Homa Bay? Will we still say that Jubillee rigged? No, it’s our stupidity as a party.

Lets wake up!..Kama ni kuchoka nimechoka na huu upumbavu wetu…when will we ever learn from our mistakes? It’s been my lifelong dream that before I die I must see Raila being sworn in as Kenya’s president but there are some #@%&***@## …..(fill in your worst adjectives) who are keen at making sure I do not realize this dream. This guys have a special place in hell.…!!!

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