Top East African gospel act Rose Muhando has responded to accusations that she secured an abortion recently saying she is afraid that allegations made against her could land her in prison.

According to Trending Newsroom, Muhando evaded the question on whether the rumour of her abortion was true, opting instead to say that she was afraid of being arrested over allegations of terminating a 7 month pregnancy.

Sometime last week, the interwebs went wild with various accounts of allegations that the 'Jipange Sawa Sawa' singer had terminated a pregrancy of what would have been her fourth child.

It was reported also how various fellow artists, fans and even law practitioners had responded to the allegations.

In Tanzania, aborrtion is a crime punishable by law with up to 7 years for the woman involved and 14 years for the medical practitioner who oversaw the process.

It is still unclear whether any of the allegations are true and a part of the masses believe that the story is a malicious rumour started by those jealous of her success and keen on ruining her career.

This is the second time Muhando is on the news with matters of breaking the law. Sometime last year, reports surfaced claiming that she had conned a West African man of money she was paid to g

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