Just a day after controversial city businessman, Paul Kobia, banned three CORD Senators from setting their feet in Nairobi, now one of the Senators has claimed his life is in danger.

Speaking to journalists on Thursday, Machakos Senator, Johnstone Muthama, said some individuals are after his life and requested more protection from the Jubilee Government.

The outspoken Senator, who always speaks his mind, said that for the last two weeks, two unmarked cars have been trailing him and his family members.

He asked Jubilee Government to protect him saying that he does not want to die like former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s son, Fidel Odinga, Senators Mutula Kilonzo and Otieno Kajwang who died under mysterious circumstances.

Muthama spoke a day after Kobia held a Press Conference in Nairobi and warned him and Senators, Boni Khalwale and Hassan Omar, against insulting President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Kobia, who is a close ally of Uhuru, said if Muthama, Omar and Khalwale set their feet in Nairobi, he will mobilize his ground offices to deal with the Senators ruthlessly.

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