Those who for long admired the bravery and ‘forthrightness’ of the outspoken Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter watch an ammeature captured of him using stale insults while attempting to force a trailer/truck owned by URP nominated MP Sunjeev Kour Birdi (Kenyan of Indian origin) to pass through the Gilgil weighbridge.

Apparently, the vehicle had no proper paperwork and had been detained by the officials who were oblivious of the owner.

Keter is captured by a hidden camera, using very vile language, threatening the weighbridge officials with all sorts of repercussions. He claims that the officials have been called by top government officials, including State House Comptroller and Chairman of Parliament’s Security Committee Asmam Kamama (who moved the recent security bill now being contested in law courts) to let the vehicle pass but they remained adamant.

Keter then goes ahead to insult the officers using expletives like ‘motherfuckker’, ‘who the fuck are you’ in his moments of rage.

The outbursts, captured by a hidden camera, and shared on Youtube

Shockingly, Keter even goes further to ask the officials whose interest they are serving, reminding them that this is Kenya and he is a parliamentarian. The adamant officials however maintain the vehicle’s paperwork cannot allow them let it through the weighbridge.

Keter’s actions bring to the fore the culture of corruption by top Jubilee officials who circumvent anti-corruption laws and force junior officials to engage in acts of corruption to let them – the top officials – have their way.

Interestingly, Kenyans have not forgotten how Keter treated the country to a spectacle when he took on President Uhuru and his Deputy William Ruto over corruption allegations in the Standard Gauge Railway tendering processes.

Both Uhuru and Ruto had to endure weeks of Keter outbursts, until he was calmed and managed – using millions of shillings. Since then, it seems the Nandi Hills legislator has seen the ‘way’ and joined in the regime pastime – corruption, embezzlement and threats to all who fight them. Sad

Watch Video above.

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