Fairy tales are only meant for children’s books. I believe this with every fibre of my being. Once in a while, reality defies fiction and dares to pull a fast one on human beings. Blame that on the gods for in their ever increasing envy of man, they seek to twist and torment him using the one element they will never understand; hope.
That story caused shockwaves throughout the entire country and it’s easy to see why. Indians do not ever date let alone marry indegenous Kenyans. But it happened. And what’s more, an Indian girl from a wealthy background was marrying her father’s shamba boy, a poor Luhya from the Bukusu sub-group.

Anyway, after a rather unlikely courtship and marriage, the lass has decided to call it a day and go back to daddy.

When I fell sick, he did not bother to take me to hospital, instead, his parents took me to the local hospital. Besides, he has been abusing me physically.”
She went on to add:

I regret having defied my parents and got married against their wishes. I am so sorry. I hope they would accept me back home.
To be honest, right from the get go, I figured the lass was dickmatized but now the novelty and magic has worn off. She has now realized that poverty is no joke so she may aswell go back home to the lap of luxury. And honesty, who can blame her?

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