By S J via Facebook

The AU Heads of State Summit is on this week. As the African Democratic Institute, we are involved in a couple of activities in collaboration with the Bureau of the AU Commission Chairperson.

Earlier this morning while connecting thru JKIA to Addis, I happened to share a flight with my friend Sen. Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen, Industrialist DJ Chris Kirubi and the anti-ICC activist ‪#‎DavidMatsanga‬. We shared a quick light-moment session on arrival before Kip and myself pulled aside for some deep, honest talk on matters national including the ensuing Ruto/ICC debate.

Folks, my take is that in as much as the Hon. Raila Odinga wishes DP Ruto well and would spare nothing humanly possible to ensure William is free, Mr. Odinga CANNOT go to the Hague as a Ruto defence witness. The National Intelligence Service and the Jubilee honchos know this FACT so well.

Their purported calls for him to be a witness therefore amount to nothing but 2017 pitchfork politriks aimed at making Jakom look the ‘heartless man who refused to show solidarity yet again, with a former comrade’. It is meant to milk Hon. Odinga dry, twice, using the ICC narrative ahead of next elections.

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