Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) is planning a funds drive to finance its campaigns in the upcoming by–elections.

According to a source privy to CORD matters, the coalition’s account has only Sh 50,000 and the money is not enough to campaign for the Homa Bay County Senatorial seat and Kajidao Central seat.

The fundraiser will be attended by CORD Co-Principals, Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula.

The fundraiser will be at the Panafric Hotel after a Parliamentary Group meeting at Orange House.

The CORD Parliamentary Group meeting will discuss the conduct of some of its members who have been dining with Jubilee Aalliance leaders.

The opposition coalition will also discuss the conduct of Nairobi Governor, Dr Evans Kidero, who is campaigning against ODM candidate, Moses Kajwang, in Homa Bay’s Senate seat.

Sources said Kidero may be disciplined for campaigning against Kajwang who is an ODM candidate.

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