I heard that you banned poor people from your church. Let me get this straight. So you have made your church to be a mini-heaven in which you have chosen to play God. You determine who should enter and who should not. For you the poor are like sinners. They shouldn’t be on your Holy ground.

I think know my bible well and according to Luke Chapter 6 Verse 20, it says, “”Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.” And Matthew Chapter 19 Verse 24 says, “ “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

But what you are telling us Reverend Kiuna is that it’s easier for a poor man to enter heaven then to enter your church? Wow.

It’s sad that we are living in a world where pastors think they can overrule the directives of Jesus Christ. If Jesus the son of God, said something should be this way, what gives you the right to say it should be the other way round Reverend Kiuna? The other day you told women from Eastlands to flee from the broke brothers there and rent SQs in posh estates so that they can eaily settle in the claws of wealthy men. What you are simply saying is wealth is all that matters even when the Lord says it does not. Earthly positions do not necessarily reflect personal value. But according to you, riches are better than a true spirit

Because of people like you Mrs Kiuna, we are now seeing churches being built entirely on a personality cult; with pastors spoken of in hushed, reverent tones as if they were vying for a spot in the holy trinity itself. Your followers retweet your opinions but rarely quote those of Jesus. They rely on the pastor’s interpretation of the bible instead of cracking it open themselves. That's just sad

One thing I have always known for a fact is that we are all sinners. No matter how wise and visionary the men and women of the cloth might seem, they are all as equally flawed and messy as anyone else in their congregation.

We do not want religious celebrities. What we want is disciples who spread the word in true fashion. We don’t want pastors who soak up the spotlight and get the lion’s share of glory while leaving Jesus as only a quiet, gracious runner-up.

I also understand that your church needs money to run effectively Reverend Kiuna but that isn’t a justifiable reason to banish poor people from your church. People who look up to you as a teacher. You preach prosperity and financial nourishment so why not help these poor people to be rich as well instead of showing them that they are good for nothing. Your legacy shouldn’t be on how big a ministry you build or how successful an empire you set up. It should be on how effective you are in handing over the baton of faith to the masses. Metrics should be based on how many people you show the right way to heaven not the right way to earthly glory.

Let’s just be serious here Reverend Kiuna. It really doesn’t matter how classy your church is. It doesn’t matter who you think should be there and who shouldn’t. That’s God’s call, not your call. He’s the one who will determine who was serious in the congregations and who wasn’t. Jesus wants co-laborers not heroes. He’s the only hero. He’s the only star. He’s not looking for co-stars who make religious decisions on their own. He wants servants who emphasize the principles He has set up. Thank You


Philip Etemesi (Concerned Christian)

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