Of late, many city pastors affiliated to Pentecostal Churches are engaging in all manner of social evils thus tainting the good image of the church.

Late last year, KTN's investigative journalists, Mohammed Ali and John Allan Namu, exposed tricks that fake pastor Victor Kanyari of Salvation Healing Ministries uses to milk money from his gullible followers.

But it now seems that there are many other Kanyaris out there hiding under God's name to satisfy their bodily needs.

A case in point is Apostle Francis Musili of ATG Delivarance Ministry church located in downtown Nairobi. Sources reveal to our team that before any lady is employed at his radio station dubbed, ATG, he must first test her v!rg!n!ty in his office.

The randy pastor targets college girls who are desperate for jobs. And due to their desperation, they end up falling into his trap but even after supplying him with s3xual favours, he stills takes them for a ride.

Many remember that most of Kanyari's fake miracles were aired through ATG radio since he is a close friend to Musili.

They support each other in conning their gullible followers and they still go unpunished.

We now warn young ladies looking for jobs at ATG radio to be extra-careful since the lusty pastor is out to use them like tissue papers.

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