The gruesome death of Charity at Moi University brings to fore the insecurity status of the Eldoret based university. Most students are just sitting ducks if the laxity of the green men is anything to go by.

The Green men in security related tasks remain exactly that-GREEN. With no expertise in dealing with crime or investigation skills, it’s not rocket science to discern that criminals can escape their eyes easily.

But it’s not them to blame. The blame squarely lies on the level headed management that hires them.

Moi has been turned into a ‘communal political property’ where the only determinants to acquire employment is the language you speak, the dialect, and the connections at the administration block(2nd Floor especially). This includes the hiring of security men. A process that ought to be conducted with zero compromise considering it touches on students’ safety.

Do you remember the infamous Peter Mashoka of 2011? If you are not a toddler, this name is not new. For the starters, this was the guy who used to attack comrades using an axe leaving the victim for the dead.

But what has never came to light is who Mashoka was, despite all the investigation and ghost vigilantes groups formed to reveal this ‘killer incognito’.

However a few years back when I was still a student there, my curiosity got the better of me, driving me to initiate undercover investigations.

I spoke to several top notch administrators, among them the staff at Room 31. Ok, I am sure you’re wondering which room is this? NO? If you happened to be a student who cared to stand up for your rights and others, you definitely know this is the security grilling room. But I digress.

I shockingly learnt that ‘Mashoka thing’ was an inside job. He was He was one of the ‘men in green’. You understand now why arresting him was a nightmare? who would have guessed that a security man was the dreaded Mashoka?

He was receiving the orders from the Chief security Officer then. Major.

Madhoka’s atrocities provided Major with a justification to why many security men needed to be employed. The unsuspecting VC, as always, gave a nod to this in his quest to see Mashoka ‘arrested’. Major consequently brought all his villagemates to Moi and hundreds of green men got jobs. The Mashoka attacks subsequently came to a halt.

See how Selfish interests made the students victims? Some escaping death by a whisker. Others still bearing axe marks on their bodies, a stark reminder of their painful ordeals.

Years later, the university would find out Major’s dirty tricks. But surprisingly the administration did not bother to even open charges on the man. All it cared about were the millons the institution was paying to ‘ghost’ security men. In a desperate attempt to appear cleaning the closet, he was transferred to Rivatex after a few months of a compulsory leave. (In public organisations, however much the crime/incompetence, you can never be fired. Re designation is the term). Villagers after this transfer almost demonstrated claiming victimisation of their ‘son’ but after assurance from top notch administrators that the ‘status quo remains’ they kept calm. Major later resigned over frustrations at Rivatex.

All the stories and experiences that came my way as a student writer and a student leader taught me one thing; Never to take things from a prima facie angle, And that there’s always a political angle to every single happening in Moi Uni.

For Charity’s murder, I donno the angle but I wouldn’t dismiss the existence of one based on the past.

Time will tell.

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