Dear H.E PM Raila Odinga,

Truth be told, we in ODM must transcend Uhuru and focus on 2017 presidency–the seat.This obsession with Uhuru Kenyatta is costing us objectivity,the gentleman just launched his media center doing polls every 3 months to inform him of his rating and remedies; explaining populist moves he keep making to earn brownie-points in the eyes of the streetsman.

2017 Uhuru may win;not because he is good,but because our many silly mistakes caused by shortsightedness is the steps he marches on.

We are caught in a permanent cry over media coverage,yet we can’t learn from Uhuru’s effective use of Kameme FM Official which he owned before 2013 with Ruto using Kass.We can’t even effectively use your FB page to inform our supporters.

The magicians around you can’t even do a website like Julius Sello Malema’s team did which became a 1stop shop for info for EFF supporters.Im yet to talk about our own parallel media monitoring & research center to monitor our ratings constantly. We are trapped in that failed argument of “Kenyans are tired with Uhuru”. Do we want presidency or we want to fight Uhuru?

Maybe this is why we not even encouraging our people using mass rallies to go for voter registration and or IDs. Sir you need HARD THINKING than HARD FEELINGS around you. Sycophancy,praise singing and hagiography alone is TOXIC.

See our governors greed cocktailed in myopia and party’s lack of appetite to whip them into performance is the dagger that stabbed OKOA KENYA right in the heart,leading to its death(our deputy leader spent 1% of 5Bln on devt). ASEOL,no,ASELUOR.

Yours sincerely
Onyango Ochieng Jr.
P.O Box 2017 Kasarani Kanyo.

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