KTN’s investigative journalist, Mohamed Ali, is currently swimming in muddy waters after intelligence sleuths confiscated one of his videos that was used in planning the assassination of a senior National Intelligence Service (NIS) officer in Mombasa.

 The video titled Wagigisi wa Mauaji by Mohamed Ali and John Allan Namu was distributed by Al Shabaab agents and sympathizers who wanted to cause terror and havoc to Kenyans.

 The Al Shabaab radicals were supporters of Sheikh Swaleh Ibrahim, a controversial Muslim cleric who was gunned down in November 2013. According to intelligence officers, the circulation of the video was meant to mobilise local terrorist cells to eliminate all NIS officials who were within their vicinity.
 The video, which was produced by KTN, alleges that a senior NIS official was involved in the killing of Al Shabaab operatives and clerics including Sheikh Aboud Rogo who contributed in the planning and execution of terror attacks in Mombasa. Moha was airing the video to recharge Al Shabaab cells in Kenya so that they can
eliminate the said NIS official!

If you missed the video, here it is

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