Kenyans all over the world have congratulated President Uhuru Kenyatta over his directive on Thursday where he ordered all state/ public officers adversely mentioned by the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) to step aside and pave way for investigations.

Reacting on social media, Kenyans all over the world congratulated the President for making such a bold move saying the father of the nation has put the country first before other things.

But one day after that announcement, the same Kenyans who were congratulating him have dismissed President Kenyatta’s directive saying his 'List of Shame' lacks some names of the most corrupt leaders in Kenya.

Among those complaining is Bungoma Senator, Moses Wetangula, who said Uhuru should fire his Deputy, William Ruto, because he has been adversely mentioned in a series of scandals including land, the Central Bank looting and the Hustler’s Jet Scandal among others.

Uhuru should now fire his appointees. They serve at his pleasure! What about his deputy (Mr. Singh)?” Wetangula said on his Twitter account.

Wetangula's sentiments were also echoed by respected US based dean, Prof Makau Mutua, who asked Uhuru to fire Ruto because he is linked to many corruption scandals.

William Ruto, Kenyatta's deputy, should resign. He's embroiled in so many corruption and legal scandals that I have lost count,” Makau said.

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