Your wife or significant other is constantly on their phone lately? Have you been wondering what they are glued onto? Well, we have dug deep and unearthed the secret. There is a new Facebook group which has suddenly become more popular than any other group. The name of the group is Vuteni Stul Niwape Udaku.

Our undercover reporter has informed us that there are already thousands of women in the group and all they do all day is tell stories of their experiences. They tell stories of their experiences as MWK, otherwise known as Mwanaume Wa Kando. They talk about their lesbian experiences, some of the women are trying the emerging culture now and some tried it in the past but have gone back to being straight. It appears to be a free for all topics with no restrictions.

Erotica and stories about the male member which they refer to as mtree is a major pastime in the group. We did have a chance of going through the members list and it does not just comprise of ordinary women. We were quite shocked to see prominent women in the group, but I suppose every woman has a little bit of the gossip in them.

They gossip about their husbands and partners and how to treat them to get the most out of them. They talk about how to recover from betrayals. In the evenings, the topic of choice seems to be erotica. If you have noticed a change in your partner, them demanding for more sexual activity, do not be alarmed. It is probably the result of reading too much erotica in the group.

Stories of all types seem to be encouraged in the group and there are a variety of writers in the group. The group’s chief admin is the talented writer, Julie who now goes by the pen name of Atieno Mtoto Mzuri under which she has written a super gripping book, No More Tears, in which she tells the story of an illegal immigrant to America who undergoes a lot of ordeals before she finally settles down.

We happened to catch a few chapters of the book and we predict it shall be one of those books that you read and never forget. As said earlier, if your wife or significant other is constantly on the phone, then she may be this new craze in town Vuteni Stul Niwape Udaku.

You might consider warning your wife or significant other from joining the group because she might change overnight by learning too much from the other women.

We want our women gentle and docile and Vuteni Stul Niwape Udaku is doing the exact opposite. The photos attached are some of the topics discussed in the group.

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