A few days ago, Kenyans were shocked after learning that legendary actor, Mzee Ojwang, has been living in abject poverty after years of a successful acting career.

The witty actor had become partially blind due to lack of proper medical attention and it now seems that most Kenyan actors are wasted due to frustrations.

Sources intimate that popular actor, Omosh, who is popular for his role in Citizen TV’s high school drama, Tahidi High, has fallen into the dangerous jaws of alcoholism.

The once energetic actor is now weak and cannot function without  alcohol. A few months ago, he nearly lost his life after he lost control of a car he had borrowed from a friend along the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway.

He was drunk at the time of the accident but he survived with minor injuries.

The once popular actor is also totally broke and lives in an impoverished structure in Shauri Moyo Estate where drinking dens are scattered all over.

He frequents those drinking dens to beg for  cheap liquor from his fellow drunkards.

We are told that all Mamapimas (women who sell Chang’aa) in the area know him.

Who will come to the rescue of our actors, their talents are going to the dogs.

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