KTN’s investigative reporter, Mohammed Ali, has lashed out at President Uhuru Kenyatta after he ordered all State and public officials mentioned in the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) report to resign.

Laying his sentiments on social media, Moha said that Uhuru is taking Kenyans for a ride since his new directive is more of a public relation stunt.

The fiery journalist added that President Uhuru Kenyatta should look for babies to lie to because Kenyans are now wiser than before.

Moha also added that there is a prominent Government leader who is missing in the list.
He claims that the prominent leader popularly referred to as “Arap Mashamba” or Arap Singh, should be the first to resign following Uhuru Kenyatta’s new directive.

“Stepping aside isn't enough. They should be jailed. The list isn't complete, where is the MissingSingh?” Read one of Moha’s tweets.

Do you agree with his sentiments that Uhuru Kenyatta is just taking Kenyans for a ride with his new directive on corrupt Government officials?

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