Wahome Thuku is now accused by other Jubilee bloggers and supporters of disrespecting the president while CORDshians are saying were he to be an ‘Odhiambo’ he could have been arraigned in court secretly (like Alan Okengo Wadi) and sent to a far away Jail in the deserts of Athi River…

Here is his first BITE with hundreds of comments on his FB page>>

”We can pretend here but the simple truth is, you cant tell anyone mentioned in corruption allegations to step aside if you (yourself) are facing charges of crimes against humanity and those charges include murder and forceful transfer of persons in a criminal court. Am not saying you are guilty as charged but you should not open your mouth to tell anyone to step aside. You simply keep quiet”.

And here is his second BITE :

”Charity Ngilu played a key role in putting away some certain files whose details were needed somewhere. Her importance is over. I opt not to say which files but you are free to generate your own conclusion only that you remember its yours’.

He also went after Ruto, here is a good one:

”As I type this, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has no charges pending at the ICC or any criminal court on earth. He is the right executive to tell people to step aside. The only other person I know is Wahome Thuku. I said we can deny it and hit the roof and all the 4 walls like a moth in a dark room. The fact still remains that crimes against humanity are the most serious on earth way more than even drug trafficking. Mark the term humanity. And I repeat that noone is saying that anyone is guilty. All what am saying is that Joshua Sang can not condemn the corrupt until we clear with him first. May be as a country we never anticipated this”.

Do you agree with Wahome?

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