Worshipers of Christian Brotherhood in Nakuru were last Sunday surprised after one worshiper confessed before the whole church to being an Al Shabaab terrorist.

The woman, whose name has been hidden for security reasons, told the church while giving her testimony of her relationship with the Somali-based ragtag and how she was sent to carry out Al Shabaab attacks in Uganda that killed 70 people.

However, she noted her turn around came when she, together with five others, were sent by Al Shaabab to bomb a certain church in Kericho, but God gave her a vision on the eve of the bombing not to do it and she ran away from her colleagues.

Ever since she has wished to abandon Al Shabaab but they keep coming after her and now she fears for her life.

Surprisingly, after all this confession, the police still let her go after they were called in by Pastor Samson Murunga to squeeze some information from her, saying her confession is not enough evidence to arrest or do anything to her.

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