Former Nakuru MP, David Manyara, has exposed International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, revealing how she tried to nail President Uhuru Kenyatta at The Hague by hook or crook using fabricated lies.

Speaking just after Bensouda named him as Uhuru’s accomplice in the 2007 post election violence and the murder of Mungiki witnesses, Manyara revealed how Bensouda gave him a whooping sh200 million to testify against President Uhuru Kenyatta but he refused to betray his friend.

“Bensouda and her people were desperate for witnesses and they approached me with an offer of sh200 million to be their witness to testify against Uhuru but I refused. They did so on several occasions, first they came with an offer of sh20 million and I refused but the money kept increasing up to sh200 million which I still declined,” said Manyara.

He noted that it because of his refusal to testify against the President that Bensouda branded him Uhuru’s accomplice in her damning evidence released early this week.

However, he dismissed the evidence against Uhuru as total fabrications and denied any links to Mungiki and the 2007 poor election violence.

In her evidence, Bensouda accused Manyara of being Uhuru’s co-coordinator in Nakuru and buying pangas and guns for distribution to Mungiki.

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